It Works: How and Why

“… the disease seems to affect us in the following general ways. Mentally, we become obsessed with thoughts of using. Physically, we develop a compulsion to continue using, regardless of the consequences. Spiritually, we become totally self-centered in the course of our addiction. Looking at addiction as a disease makes sense to a lot of addicts because, in our experience, addiction is progressive, incurable, and can be fatal unless arrested.” – Excerpt From It Works: How and Why
This material copyright by the Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous
Published in 1993 this book is a discussion of the Twelve Steps and Traditions of NA, meant to help you determine interpret the principles contained therein. We hope “that this book truly represents the therapeutic value of one addict helping another.”
This book is available at most NA meetings or you may order it from our World Service Office in California.
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