Narcotics Anonymous World Services: We’ve added our latest book to the Basic Library. The boxed set now includes six recovery books—the Basic Text, ???? ??? “The Basic Library Offer From NAWS”
Category: na world services
When We Open Our Hearts
When we open our hearts to the love we find in recovery—from our sponsor, from the Fellowship, from our Higher Power—it changes us. We are “When We Open Our Hearts”
NAWS on Instagram
NA World Services has an Instagram account! The account is used for announcing conventions, NAWS news and inspirational messages. You can view the account here: “NAWS on Instagram”
NAWS Update February 2022
Hello, There is a lot going on at World Services, and we expect to have an issue of NAWS News posted soon ( Subscribe to “NAWS Update February 2022”
World Board Announces Sponsorship Webinar
Hello, We have two announcements for you today: We are holding a Sponsorship Day Webinar 4 December We just implemented text-to-give capability Sponsorship Day Sponsorship “World Board Announces Sponsorship Webinar”
WCNA 38 and very sad news
Hello, We are writing with heavy hearts today. After much discussion, we have decided that we must cancel the 38th World Convention, which had originally “WCNA 38 and very sad news”
Basic Text Out of Stock
Hello, Ordinarily we would not send a NAWS Update email so soon after our last one, but these are not ordinary times. We are writing “Basic Text Out of Stock”
NAWS Update From The World Board
Hello, This post includes news about: Virtual Meetings Best Practices Plans for WSC 2022/2023 60th Anniversary Little White Book Spiritual Principle a Day approval draft “NAWS Update From The World Board”
60th anniversary of the Little White Book (LWB)
Hello, This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Little White Book (LWB). Did you know that over the past 20 years, communities have been “60th anniversary of the Little White Book (LWB)”
Spiritual Principle a Day Book Project
Date: 11 June 2021 To: All NA members From: World Board RE: Review & Input (R&I), Batch #6, Spiritual Principle a Day Book Project Greetings! “Spiritual Principle a Day Book Project”